Tucson Chinese Community Center ( TCCC ) will sponsor its annual Spring Open on March 19th. If you are looking for comfort for players and parents, great facility, safe environment, skittles place and very strong competition- this is the tournament to attend. It is probably not much of an exxaguration to say that TCCC offers the most value in tournament chess in terms of space for all players and spectators, as well as for all the moms and dads who have to stay there for the tournament.That is the reason why ACFS is so proud to offer several USCF rated tournaments at the TCCC each year.
As usual, we will have a special section for all the Experts and Masters looking to play in a USCF rated tournament for rating increase, prestige and trophies. Last times we had Masters and experts from all over Arizona battling for top prizes (for results please read the related articles about previous TCCC tournaments) The tournament has the categories set so that we can accommodate complete beginners and masters same way, and so that 4 years olds and retirees feel equally excited to play, feel comfortable and have fun doing so. Add to it that the entry fee is actually lower for this tournament than most other similar ones and all participants get extra 10% off any purchases and you see why this is such a unique and valuable way to enhance chess in Tucson and allow people to win prizes, trophies and increase rating all same time.
Download the flyer here tccc_march19th_flyer
See you all there!
ACFS Administration
I would like to register my grand-daughter for 19th March at Chinese Centre. She is 8.
Thank you