Ben was an active participant of chess tournaments while attending the Foothills High School couple of years ago. After taking a break from chess, he is now back and with vengeance: He plays now in as many chess tournaments as possible and has a very obtainable goal to be a chess coach while improving his own chess. Ben likes active, tactical chess and is very strong in Blitz chess. This year he is graduating with a Master’s degree in Mathematics Education from Western Governors University and plans to dedicate his free time to chess studies and professional coaching.

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Way to go Ben! Congrats!
On Thursday, September 30th, I passed my oral defense and successfully completed the Master’s program in Mathematics Education at WGU. It feels good to get it all out of the way!
Way to go Jedi! Keep chess alive and good luck with your Master’s Degree. May the Force be with you.
Richard Quesada
Borders Chess Club-Norhside
I am doing my Masters in Mathematics Education at Western Governors University, which is an online school. I have been accepted to Texas A & M distance program to do some graduate coursework in Mathematics.