Are you eager to get back to Chess and compete in tournaments? Are you interested in learning new stuff?
Then join us for this Back-to-school Labor Day Camp! It will comprise of 3 different group levels and will be taught by a strong expert. Depending on the day, you will have a chance to learn anything starting from openings to endgames, middlegame to tactics.
The list of Coaches for the top group may includes local IMs and FMs such as Levon Altounian, Aleksey Duilgher, Ken Larsen. Other possible Coaches: Matthew Coy, Zac Cancio, Jacob Song.
Because of the unique system of the camp, there is room to adjust the groups as well as payments, depending how many per school or per family sign up.
To get more information, please email us at (Levon Altounian) or (Molly Coy).
To sign up on line, please go to
Download Doc:labor day camp_SSA_molly
Download PDF: labor day camp_SSA_molly
Discounts for families, school clubs of 6+ students per school and 10% off for all fully signed up 14th Annual Western Alliance Summer Chess Camp participants.
It will be held at the Sonoran Science Academy.