I know IM Mac Molner a lot from tournament chess as well as in life. We just finished 2 International tournaments together- in Los Angeles (Metropolitan Invitational) and in Texas- the Susan Polgar SPICE CUP 2011. We also had a chance to prepare for some chess events together and I had the pleasure of having him in my team. He has 2 Grandmaster norms already and was instrumental at helping Arizona Scorpions score as high as we did in the 2011 season. Mac loves the competitive nature of chess and the one on one studies and analysis. He is extremely accomplished in the tactical and attacking part of the game and is super dangerous in openings. He scored very notable victories against Grandmasters in sharp openings such as the Sicilian Najdorf, Blumenfeld Gambit, Evan’s Gambit, etc. That love for chess studies, sharp play and tactical excellence is also present in his style of group and Individual teaching. Because he is not only a coach but an avid tournament player, Mac can also draw examples and teach the most important concepts or the most subtle points simply drawing examples from his vast experience and from games he personally observed or analyzed at tournaments with all the titled players. One thing I personally very much appreciate in Mac is his modesty as a person and very personable and friendly characteristics as a human being. I think it is very important not to lose your personality in the face of a successful career and Mac is a wonderful example of it for all who want to succeed in chess.
He is available for Private and Group lessons for very reasonable and discounted rates for ACFS so please do not hesitate to e-mail us at laltounian@msn.com and inquire about it.
Levon Altounian